MEITI Implementation Manual

Category : Other Documents

In early 2015, a National MEITI Office within MOPF to support the implementation of EITI in Myanmar was established in the Fiscal Policy, Strategy and EITI team of the Ministry of Finance (now the Ministry of Planning and Finance). The MEITI Office, Budget Department (MOBD) is staffed by personnel from the Ministry of Planning and Finance, and is overseen by and exports to the MSG. The Government Decree of December 19th 2016, the Rennaissance Institute was designated as the MEITI National Coordination Secretariat.

As the Multi-stakeholder group, the National Coordination Secretariat, the MOBD within the Ministry of Planning and Finance, and the multi-stakeholder, transparent processes associated with EITI are all new in the Myanmar context. A process of institutionalization and the creation of systems and procedures for all aspects of the work of the MOBD and the EITI implementaion ar therefore currently implementing....